Nakedness is often what we as women try to avoid. But, somewhere, deep inside, we long to be fully known to our friends and have them love us, faults and all.  We desire our spouse to cherish and honestly affirm our pudge and every stretch mark. If we were truly honest, nakedness without shame is the deepest longing of our hearts.

However, the enemy has distorted every form of intimacy; attaching filthy language and perverted images and behavior.  When sin entered the garden, it ravaged every relationship, making all intimacy a spiritual battle and polluting the human heart with shame.

 Intimacy is the essence of the Trinity and the heart of the Gospel.

As believers, we are called by Christ Himself to repent (literally, “change our minds”) and allow Him to redeem every aspect of our lives, including the gift of sexuality.

NU Women is a group of ladies that desire to push back the curse in our marriages, actively pursuing holiness, especially in our bedrooms.   As new creatures, Christ desires to redeem our lives and our love lives from the fallen state of the world around us and glorify Himself through our most intimate relationship.

Our Purpose is:
To encourage and sharpen one another 
to holiness, intimacy, and the truest oneness-
to be naked and unashamed.

When we meet, our purpose is to encourage each other to love and good deeds specifically in the area of our marriages.  We focus on building intimacy with our husbands in all facets of our marriages
in order to bring glory to God.